CASTRO: Intrínsicamente
es un gangster. La mayoría de los analistas siguen viéndolo con el perfil
clásico y genérico atribuible a típicos Jefes de Estado. El primer lente a
través del cual se debe mirar, interpretar y analizar las acciones del
gobierno cubano es que se trata de un gobierno de gangsters. DISCÍPULO. -
Comandante. Ministerio del Interior / MININT. Discípulo del Tte. General
Abelardo Colomé Ibarra. Enlace de las FAR con Fidel Castro. Reporta
directamente a Colomé. HISTORIADOR. -
Comandante. MINFAR--Historiador y teórico de las FAR. Reporta directamente a
un comité de 5 generales que incluye a Colomé INMUNE. -
Comandante. MININT. Portador de documento firmado por los Generales de
División y el Ministro del Interior con la autorización y función de retar,
contra-argumentar la posición y medidas del gobierno; defender la posición de
los enemigos incluyendo al exilio. Miembro fundador de la Escuela de
Adoctrinamiento Frank Pais del Estado Mayor del Ejército Rebelde y graduado
de Inteligencia en la Academia "Osvaldo Sánchez". Reporta
directamente a Colomé. Castro: ¿Es segura
esta línea? Inmune: Sí
comandante. Castro: Nos
designaron el "lugar" detrás de la Universidad de Villanueva para
reunirnos. Así que, ¿A qué hora llegas de Miami? Inmune: A las cinco.
Castro: A las siete
allí. Discípulo: Fidel, noté
que cuando usted llegó intercambió palabras con la posta de la entrada norte
del edificio. Le informo que ese sargento tendremos que interrogarlo. Usted
violó el protocolo que esta diseñado precisamente para su protección. Castro: (no
respondió) Castro: ¿Cuál es el
motivo de la reunión? ¿Cuándo llega Colomé? Discípulo: Es la
reunión trimestral. Historiador y el Inmune ya están aquí. El General Colomé
llamó que no sabe a que hora llegará y sugiere que empecemos. Discípulo: Así que
Historiador, !Dale camino! Historiador: ¿Cuál es su
versión final sobre su incorporación inicial al Partido? Castro: Esa es la
palabrita que lo va a aclarar: incorporarse". Ni en México, ni en Bogotá
ni en varios lugares de la Habana cuando personajes del Partido y de la
embajada soviética me invitaron, me reclutaron para distintas actividades, yo
no me sentí miembro ideológico del Partido Comunista. Nunca. Ni siquiera
cuando el 2 de Diciembre del 61 dije aquello de que siempre había sido
marxista-leninista hasta la última gota de sangre. Mi decisión más
trascendente de trabajar con ellos la hice en la Sierra, en el otoño del 57,
y a eso se le llama pactar, no pertenecer o sumarse a una ideología. Ser
miembro de un Partido, especialmente el comunista, te estructura, te
anquilosa. Yo tengo mis propias reglas, que mayormente aprendí de Antonio
Gramsci, Benito Musolini, Adolfo Hitler, Nicolas Maquiavelo, Primo Rivera y
para colmo de contraste y paradoja de nada menos que de Juan Antonio Rubio
Padilla. Inmune: Comandante,
absolutamente de todo lo que usted dice una mitad es mentira y la otra no se
le puede creer pero ésta que acaba de afirmar, esa sí se la consideramos. De
acuerdo con su historial de que usted tiene sus propias reglas encaja, y esa
es precisamente la filosofía gansteril. En su caso usted ha escrito el libro
modelo sobre "Como se captura y se gobierna un estado por
gangsters". El tipo de individuo que llega a gobernante de un país,
independientemente de la forma en que llegó al poder, se desenvuelve y
asiente a funcionar dentro de partidos u organizaciones con cierta estructura
y reglamento. Algo así como el resultado de estructuras previas de partido
con reglas o limitaciones tradicionales que incluye, también en alguna
medida, a los miembros del Partido Comunista. Hasta estos últimos, a quienes
el fin justifica los medios, se cuidarían, pensarían dos veces (de ser
gobierno, desde el poder) antes de atacar una embajada extranjera o eliminar
a un embajador acreditado en su país. Fidel Castro no tendría que pensarlo
dos veces. Castro hará solo lo que estime le ayude a adquirir, mantener o
recuperar su poder, incluyendo asesinar a un embajador si tiene acceso o
cuenta con los medios para hacerlo. No partir de esta primera premisa en
cualquier análisis de inteligencia del enemigo sobre Cuba, les ha llevado y
sigue llevando a grandes errores. Es un factor determinante de habernos
mantenido en el poder. Discípulo: Antes de
proseguir en el análisis histórico que discutiremos en la próxima reunión,
los factores que nos dieron el poder, a quien Castro tenía que obedecer, la
contrapartida de Hungría, destrucción planeada de la economía cubana, la
agenda secreta de la revolución, los gobiernos paralelos, quien liquidó a
Camilo, la liquidación del 26 de Julio y el Ejercito Rebelde, preparación e
instrucciones de sabotaje en los Estados Unidos desde el mismo mes de enero
del 59, magnitud de la infiltración y robo de laboratorios médicos
especialmente en Norteamérica, túneles, preparación de ataques
bacteriológicos, de como ni un solo fidelista posee cargo alguno de
trascendencia en el gobierno actual, quien hoy por hoy verdaderamente hala
los hilos del poder en la Isla, Antonio Gramsci, la Iglesia Católica, la demanda
hecha por los soviéticos y continuada por Rusia a las FAR y aceptada por
estos que origina la Disidencia y el papel que juega, Vladimiro Roca, cuando
y como se levantará el embargo y multitud de otros temas hasta el plan
inmediato y en proceso de ejecución del eje Cuba-Venezuela-Colombia; Hablemos,
mas bien hagamos alarde y oírlo del propio Inmune de como logramos elaborar
el "secreto público" de un club "privado público"
violando la Ley Helms y posicionando la revolución en el más sofisticado
enlace técnico de inteligencia en el Internet. Inmune: Como llegué
hoy de Miami y no he tenido tiempo de traducir mi trabajo, lo leeré en
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) keeps a database of Internet
Providers (IP). This data is public and can be accessed at its site:
http://www.arin.net/whois/index.html Since
each IP has an assigned number which appears in ARIN'S database you can
determine to which other IP is connected to. You can also determine the
relationship of both numbers and how they are related to other networks where
they meet at the top of the hierarchy. The
government of Cuba owns the IP Classes 216.72.24, 216.72.25, 216.72.26 and
216.72.27 as part of the network which in turn originates in a
company called GLOBAL ONE. This corporation is domiciled in Reston, Virginia,
USA a few blocks away and on the same street of Castro friendly American On
Line (AOL) the Internet Service Provider (ISP) with the greatest number of
subscribers in the world. Global
One received authorization from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
to operate as a "facilities base" and resale carrier in the United
States. This license granted under Section 214 of the US communications Act,
authorizes Global One to directly provide its full portfolio of IP to US
based customers, both domestically and between the U.S. and other countries. Global
One is a leader in "all-distance" communications data, Internet and
international services. Note that another company, Sprint, is closely
connected with Global One, also of global reach and at the forefront of
advanced data communications services. Sprint's Government Systems Division
has been delivering telecommunications solutions tailored for defense
agencies and governments for more than a decade with a significant portion of
those cutting edge communications services in the area of Intelligence. Empresa
de Telecomunaciones de Cuba S.A.-- / Guatemala
Open Source Intelligence (OSI)-- / BEST
SECURITY - Venezuela ---- / Meganet-Chilean
security organization -- - http://www.meganet.cl/Clientes/Wackenhut
Security TESAM de
Venezuela ---- / The list
of the members of this club is by itself revealing. Since this information is
public the arrangement is obviously not a cover operation. Although this
information may seem rather secretive or classified, everything here was
obtained through regular public channels. We are not in this particular field
of counterintelligence and we did not travel into enemy territory to obtain
sensitive materials. What we
can see is that there is, and has been, a pattern of cooperation that implies
the existence of some long-standing agreement between the United States and
Communist Cuba. This relationship has only become more evident through the
use of modern information gathering techniques. Very
rarely but possible the CIA and the KGB or the CIA and Cuban Intelligence
could work together on a particular common interest operation or case. Both
parties would do it very cautiously. But to operate on a daily basis within
the same "communication system" would be difficult to imagine
unless they ceased to be enemies as it happened with the OSS/CIA and Nazi
intelligence (enemies), later West German Intelligence (allies). Here is a
brief history of the United States and Cuba communications/internet
relationship: ___ 1988-1992In 1992
Cuba apparently agreed to receive US computer scientists and communications
experts to assess their computer systems and network connectivity. Here is a
historic excerpt explaining Sprint International's connection to the
communist block since at least 1988 and the thorough inspection that was
carried out by the US on Cuban soil. http://som.csudh.edu/cis/lpress/devnat/nations/cuba/cuba2.htm
also Cuba's connection to IASnet. IASnet is a joint network for (in many
cases, now former) socialist countries operated by VNIIPAS (The All Union
Scientific Research Institute for Applied Computerized Systems) in Moscow.
VNIIPAS has multiple links to Western data networks using X.75. A link to
Sprint (previously known as Telenet) has existed since at least 1988, and
when we visited CENIAI we were able to dial into one of our computers in
Arizona via Moscow and Sprint. CENIAI
also provides electronic access to business, biomedical and other databases.
A more detailed discussion of CENIAI's activities may be obtained by
anonymous ftp from the global_net directory at dhvx20.csudh.edu[8]. The Cuban
connection to IASnet is through an X.25 PAD board located in one of the two
CENIAI Unix microcomputers. These systems handle approximately 485 users, and
are connected to each over via an Ethernet. The connection from Cuba to
Moscow is via a satellite at 4800 bps. This line was installed in 1983. Until
1990, they paid no charges for use of the line. Now, they pay dollars or
other hard (convertible) currency to VNIIPAS for packet traffic over the
IASnet circuit. In 1984, it was reported that Cuba was the most prolific user
of the IASnet services, with a total of 360 hours of connect time. One of
the authors (Snyder) was able to make a direct connection from the CENIAI
Unix system to a VAX/VMS system in his apartment using a single X.121 address
at the Havana end. To get to the Login prompt, his connection ran from the
PAD program on the CENIAI Unix microcomputer over the X.25 satellite link to
Moscow. VNIIPAS received the call and routed it to the international Sprint
network. It was routed to Reston, Virginia where it entered the domestic US
network. Sprint conveyed the call to Columbus, Ohio, and passed it to the
CompuServe X.25 gateway. CompuServe carried it to University of Arizona's
Telecommunications Group where it was translated from X.25 to DECnet format,
and routed through Ethernet, fiber optics, a 56K line, and an asynch 9.6K
DECnet line to Snyder's apartment. The gateway VAX in his apartment passed
the call to his workstation VAX, which displayed ``Username:''! ___ 1995http://www.isoc.org/ftp/isoc/conferences/inet95/workshop.txt In the
1995 seminar named "Internet Society Workshop on Network Technology for
Developing Countries" that took place in Honolulu, Hawaii high ranking
technical officials from the U.S. telecommunications giants Sprint
International and MCI, the United States Center for Disease Control, the US
Department of Defense Information Systems and Cuban biotechnology had a
chance to meet in person. The goals
of the workshop were: 1. To
train a critical mass of trainer/professionals in network infrastructure,
transport, services, and management to be able to support an extension of
meaningful Internet-related activities within the countries represented. 2. To
identify and share individual and institutional contacts as well as
information sources that will assist the process of national development,
using international Internet connections. 3. To
build robust professional linkages between all participants in the programs
so that the mentor-student and colleague-colleague relationships formed
during the workshop and conferences will remain strong and of continuing
usefulness well beyond the workshop and conference. 4. To
increase the level of cooperation among existing projects and activities for
establishing data networks in developing countries. 5. To train small groups of trainers from the same
country or region who can and will replicate and extend such training in
their own country or region. Among the attendees were: Center for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, Havana, Cuba
Sprint/Sprint International Reston, Va., USA
US Intelligence, Reston, Va., USA
MCI Communications Reston, Va., USA
Cisco Systems, Reston, Va., USA
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Roswell, GA
Others from Reston, Va., USA
2000While the
Cuban exile community and the world was tending to the Elian Gonzalez crisis
and while the INS swat team was training to take Elian by force on April 22,
2000 the FCC was in the process of approving a request by the US State Dept,
Sprint International, and Cuba to expand its communications by almost 1000%
from its INTELSAT satellite in Franklin, New Jersey to ETECSA in Havana. The
FCC and the State Dept justified their unprecedented expansion request by
citing the 1934 Communications Act and the 1992 Cuba Democracy Act. Here are
some of the FCC autorization highlights:
The level
of cooperation between the United States and the Cuban government has reached
such proportions that there is or has been a Cuban government consultant on
the US NASA space program, which by the way is under the direction of the US
Vice President.
I am not
a US law expert but how did we manage with the existing Helms/Burton law in force,
to negotiate the purchase or acquisition of these IP numbers? I congratulate
all involved at MININT and Colomé. Think
about it, they are operating in the same network class 216.72 and in the same
most sophisticated technology network there is. Again, what all of this means
to us is that for some time there must have been far reaching deals that
determined the destiny of millions of people. Finally, there is in the public records easily
available a Robert Castelli who appears as the administrator of part of the
216.72 network at Sprint International/Global One. There is a Robert Castelli
who is considered the top US Security, terrorism and biological weapons
expert. There is a Professor Robert Castelli of John Jay College in New York.
There is also a Robert Castelli in charge of making administrative changes to
the internet configurations of the Angolan Telecommunications Company. ___ Discípulo: Informaré a Furry
de tu reporte. Notificaré a todos de la fecha de la próxima reunión que
probablemente será antes de la ya fijada. Castro: ¿A esa viene
Colomé? Discípulo: No lo sé
"Las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias Dialogando con Fidel Castro"
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