By Manuel Cereijo


Societies that are founded on restraining the government rather than the individual are optimum. The individual is smart enough to solve his own problems and does not need to depend on big government for resolution of all his problems. Society owes its citizens equality of opportunity but cannot guarantee them equality of outcome.

Strong, wholesome family values are at the very core of a productive, prosperous, and peaceful society. These values can not be instilled by government but can indeed be eliminated by well intentioned but destructive governmental programs.

Human life is sacred and God placed man in a position of having dominion over nature. Environmental awareness is healthy, but apocalyptic environmentalism based on disinformation and hysteria is destructive to society and man's best interests. Sociology does not recapitulate biology.

We should define compassion not by the number of people who receive some kind of government aid but rather by the number of people who no longer need it. The United States' economy is not a zero-sum game. Wealth does not create poverty. No society in human history has taxed itself into prosperity.

The crucial source of creativity and initiative is the individual investor, not the government. Economy does not grow by dint of government influence. Home and family are the key influence on character and achievement. Also, small businesses are not the problem, but part of the solution. It is the marginal rates of taxes that determine the impact of a tax on motives and expectations, on ambitions and drives, on the willingness to go out and work to earn- or invest to gain-one more dollar.

Leadership is a natural quality or characteristic that is based on the unique ability to inspire people to heights and accomplishments they otherwise would not attain. Championing and promoting individualism, from which leadership truly descends, sponsor leadership. It is based on the strength of personality, on making people feel good about themselves, and their country.

The United States have the military power to do what they want, and, yes, they need a broad-base global coalition to back their action, preferably with military contributions as well as words. To get this kind of support is not easy. The danger is that they will insist of qualification of American action that will amount, in effect, to appeasement, and that this in turn will divide and weaken both the administration and U.S. public opinion.

Now is the ideal moment for the United States to use all its physical capacity to eliminate terrorism in all its forms. We are accomplishing this objective. The cause is overwhelmingly just, the nation must be united, and the hopes of decent, law-abiding men and women everywhere go with American arms. Such a moment may never recur.

The resources of civilization are not yet exhausted. Those resources are largely in the United States hands, and the nation- "the last, best hope of mankind"- has an overwhelming duty to use them with purposeful justification and to the full, in the defense of the lives, property, and freedom of all of us. This is the central point to keep in mind when the weasel words of cowardice and surrender are pronounced.

Now what?

The United States in the next four years should completely defeat terrorism, so that the entire World live in peace. We must find and bring UBL into justice.. Al-Quaeda must be brought to complete defeat. We must finish our job in Iraq, by establishing democracy and peace by defeating all terrorist still battling our forces in that country and thereby establishing democracy and peace.

We must take whatever action is necessary to stop terrorism in Syria, Iran, and North Korea. Possibly, first in Syria, as a matter of logistic. Then, probable Iran might follow through, as Libya did. Iran has a large and active exile group that can be of great help on this matter. North Korea is the tough one. However, there is a coalition of powerful countries that are interested in disarming North Korea. Also, North Korea is in the poorest economic situation of all.

And there comes Cuba. The only terrorist and dictatorial state in the hemisphere. We should achieve an Hemisphere where democracy is present in every country for the first time in history. Castro is a threat to the security of the United States, and the main source of disturbance in Latin America. There is a powerful, large, and active exile community that has proved, and can continue to be, of great help in this matter.

Once Cuba is free and democratic, the United States will find the greatest ally in the Cuban people and government, leading other Latin American countries into a close and better relationship with the United States. A free Cuba, will bring a better economy to Latin America, as well as to the United States.

The next four years will be a battle of civilization vs. barbarism, of dignity vs. immorality, of freedom vs. totalitarism, of one man rule vs. democracy, of human rights vs. oppression. All terrorist groups, and terrorist governments, should be destroyed and/or overthrown. Let us live a future of peace, freedom, and justice.


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