The U.S. is in a war against terror. So where would you start? Three ways come to mind. First you could go after terrorist organizations. Second, you could go after "State sponsors of terror" or 3rd you could go after both simultaneously.

The U.S. has decided to go for the 3rd option.

After passenger planes commandeered by terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the U.S. declared war against the terrorists and the state-sponsors of terror, especially those countries that gave safe haven to terrorists. As of their last report in April 20041 the U.S. State Department has identified 7 state sponsors of terrorism. Those countries are Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, and North Korea. These countries have for years been on the U.S. State Department list of "State Sponsors of Terrorism".

Recently, the dictator of Libya Mohammar Khaddafi has agreed to give up his nuclear weapons program and has agreed to support the US in the "Global War on Terror" by not offering safe haven and resources to terrorist organizations and by not engaging in terrorism himself. The U.S. has not said what Khaddafi received in exchange for his cooperation or how he is being rewarded, but we can safely assume that he just wants to be left alone and most likely got the U.S. to offer him and his dictatorship some sort of protection. So the list of 7 terrorist sponsors will most likely be a list of 6 terrorist countries in the near future. Assuming that U.S. does not pullout of Iraq and leave the terrorists to take over the list of terrorist countries could be down to 5.

President Bush, thrust into the limelight, has had the incredible task of protecting the American people after years of neglect by previous U.S. administrations. The U.S. has basically toyed and ignored extremist Islamic fundamentalists and the threat that they have posed. Additionally, we all know now, through the "9/11 Commission", how flawed our intelligence capabilities have been. To President Bush's credit he has taken out the Taliban, reformed Afghanistan, taken out Saddam Hussein, and has convinced Libya to disarm.

President Bush, like his predecessor Bill Clinton, has talked tough to all the countries on the U.S. State Department's list of State sponsors of terror except one: Cuba, the terrorist country closest to the United States, only 90 miles away from Florida's shores. Not once! has he mentioned in his many speeches to the American people that Cuba represents either a direct terrorist threat to the United States or that Cuba harbors terrorists and fugitives from U.S. justice2. This is illogical in view that Cuba has been in the terrorism business since the early 1960's.

Castro, the Cuban tyrant, since he took power on January 8, 1959, has been outwardly hostile towards the United States. It has been proven, decades later by Soviet historical documents that Castro intended to fire nuclear missiles on the U.S. mainland during the 1962 "Cuban Missile Crisis"3.

Retired U.S. Army Colonel Esteban Beruvides wrote an article describing the events in 1965, reported by the New York Times and others, when Castro through his surrogate and famed communist revolutionary killer Ernesto "Che" Guevera intended to bomb the Statue of Liberty, Philadelphia's Liberty Bell and the Washington Monument4. Castro has been a terrorist since he took power and for 45 years has had every intention of being lethal to the American people.

Every U.S. administration since Dwight Eisenhower has outwardly been an opponent of the Castro regime and has been a proponent of a democratic Cuba, but the fact remains that the most powerful country on earth has either not been able to the make downfall of Castro a reality, or more cynically, the U.S. has really not been interested in Castro's downfall. For lesser evils, the U.S. military went to Panama in 1989, without any international diplomatic body's permission, to physically remove dictator Manuel Noriega from power. He was indicted, judged, and convicted in a Miami court and has been in jail ever since5.

In January 2001 a very revealing study was published, in which I took part, where it describes the U.S. cooperation with Cuba since the fall of the Soviet Union in 19896. All the information published came from published documents on the Internet. It explains how Sprint International, a U.S. firm that at the time was headquartered in Reston, Virginia provided the communications bandwidth that they needed to make the transition from Soviet style communications to more modern communications that later included internet capabilities. The study also makes a subtle point to those who know that Sprint International was headquartered in close proximity to the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley Virginia. Since our report, most of Cuba's IP's have changed, but the fact still remains undeniable that U.S. computer and communications experts Larry Press and Sy Goodman were in Habana in February of 1992 in what can only be catalogued as an exchange of technology between friendly countries7.

So the question that needs to be asked is: Mr. President, "Does Cuba's Castro have some weapon, that only the U.S. government knows about, that can be used against the American people that the U.S. has no countermeasure for? Or has the U.S. pretended for years that Castro is an enemy of the United States because in reality Castro has been perceived to be beneficial to U.S. interests?


Elias Seife
October 10, 2004


1. U.S. State Department website:

2. Guamá website:

3. George Washington University website:

4. Guaracabuya website:

5. MSN website:

6. Guaracabuya website:

7. California State University website:

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