by Azucarero


Una cosa que tengo que hacerles llegar a ustedes, es la diferenciacion de el Departamento de Estado de USA, al Departamento de Justicia.

Castro tendra que jugar con las reglas del juego. Una de estas es, que los diplomaticos cubanos en Washington, D.C., tienen que cumplir las regulaciones establecidas por la ley, socios, no se puede viajar mas de 20 millas de la embajada, O.K.???, (oficina de representacion). La nueva residencia en Wye esta a 70 millas, se jodieron!!!!!!!

Creian que todos los gringos eran estupidos?. No, no es asi, tengo infinidad de amigos intimos que han luchado contra Castro tanto o mas que nosotros durante nuestros mas de 40 an~os. A ellos les doy las gracias durante estos momentos tenebrosos de nosotros los cubanos libres.

No se podra engan~ar a todos los americanos, a los que no nos conocen, quizas por un tiempo.

Pero hay mucha gente buena en este pais bendito por dios y es por eso que les traigo estas enardecidas palabras de Fidel.

El, no se podra salir siempre con las suyas, la ley, la de verdad lo repudia por tirano comunista y por violador de los derechos humanos de su pueblo.

Y por eso al final, quizas Elian se vaya a su centro de readoctrinamiento en la 1ra. y la 36 en Miramar, pero al fin a su llegada a Cardenas y al ver otra vez sus bicicletas, sus calesas y la miseria alli, el nin~o an~orara su casita chiquita y su "black lab puppy", en "little Havana" y al fin de la noche rezara silenciosamente sus plegarias a la virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, como le ensen~o Marislesys, para poder algun dia volver a Disney World.

Solo los an~os podran juzgar este increible momento de nuestra historia cubana, todo lo que les pido a mis amigos es calma y compasion por ese infeliz nin~o, que salio de las aguas despues de ver su madre irse al fondo del mar, ayudado por los delfines y llevado a los brazos de un pescador (aunque sea como lo acusan de amateur) que lo llevo de vuelta a la vida. Es increible, que de esos mismos brazos fue arrebatado de su bohio en Miami por las tropas de choque de Clinton (no acusemos mas a la Reno, ella siempre es el "scapegoat" del presidente).

Lean lo ridiculo de las demandas de Fidel, como sigue.



Castro: Accept More Elian Friends

c. The Associated Press

HAVANA (AP) - Cuban President Fidel Castro is accusing U.S. officials of limiting access to Elian Gonzalez by Cuban diplomats and of hindering efforts by Cuban friends to help him.

``There have been nothing but obstacles and difficulties of all kinds,'' Castro complained Thursday at Havana's Jose Marti International Airport after four children, four of their parents and Elian's doctor flew to the United States.

He complained that the U.S. State Department was limiting Cuban diplomatic access to the 6-year-old shipwreck survivor, who is staying at the Wye River conference center 70 miles outside Washington, D.C. - well beyond the 25 miles Cuban diplomats are allowed to travel from the capital without special permission.

``The result is they are kidnapped there,'' Castro said, adding that the Cubans could have chosen another site closer to Washington but relied on the good faith of U.S. officials.

Castro also complained that U.S. officials had told Cuba that Elian's physician, Dr. Caridad Ponce de Leon, cannot practice medicine at the Maryland site under state law.

Cuban state television later reported that on her arrival, U.S. Customs confiscated medicines for Elian from the doctor.

Cuban officials are trying to create a little bit of Elian's hometown, Cardenas, at Wye River, where the boy is staying while a court considers efforts by his Miami relatives to seek political asylum against his father's wishes.

``They have said that we want to move Cardenas to the United States,'' Castro said, complaining about U.S. refusal to grant visas to all 31 people Cuba had proposed to help Elian recover from trauma, catch up with schoolwork and renew relations with his friends.

Castro said that if the family had to wait a month or more for a court ruling allowing Elian to return, ``it would be better if he were with people that he knew.''

He complained that the U.S. limited the Cubans to 15-day visas so that the children who visit Elian would have to be rotated, preventing a stable, school-like environment.

``They are crazy things, absurd, ridiculous, which cannot contribute anything to helping the boy,'' Castro said.

Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon, who has overseen much of Cuba's campaign for Elian's return, said sending the children ``is the only way that you can have an idea of a school for a little boy that has the right to return a life as normal as possible.''

``I really prefer to believe that the American public would not tolerate having this issue dragging on and on,'' he told The Associated Press, adding that it ``sends a terrible message'' to U.S. families trying to recover children being held abroad.

He ridiculed a proposal by Republican presidential candidate Gov. George W. Bush that U.S. officials should convince the father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez, to remain in the United States.

``I don't think it is the job of any government to interfere in what is a fundamental human right ... that everybody has a right to live in his own country or to choose his own nationality,'' Alarcon said.


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